
Constantly Connected: How Cellular is Enabling the Digital Supply Chain

February 27, 2018

October 15, 2024


x min read

For many of our customers, the question isn't "Should I invest in a digital supply chain" -- it's "How?". As industrial IoT tools become more commonplace, many forward-thinking manufacturers already understand the value of of a digital supply chain and are actively working to modernize their supply chain operations. But there are many options on the market, and it isn't always clear which technology is the best fit for a given industry or application.

That's why we wrote our latest white paper, titled Constantly Connected: How Cellular is Enabling the Digital Supply Chain. In this paper, we aim to  help manufactureres and shippers sort out the various tracking technology options, and gain a better understanding of the tools best suited for supply chain.

Constantly Connected White Paper

 First, we provide an overview of the benefits of a digital supply chain, including reduced product damage and delays, more efficient inventory management, and improved customer satisfaction. Next, we discuss some of the most commonly used tracking technologies. Some, such as RFID, our readers will be very familiar with, while others may be less well known. While all of these technologies have advantages and disadvantages, we suggest that when it comes to building a digital supply chain, a cellular framework is the way to go. We discuss the advantages of a cellular-based solution for supply chain applications, as well as some of the technology and infrastructure developments that have come together to make cellular the global, reliable, low-cost network that it is today. Finally, we touch on some of the ongoing and future advances that promise to further improve the cellular-powered digital supply chain. 

If you would like to learn more about the impact of cellular on the digital supply chain, download the free white paper from Tive. And for more information on how Tive can help your company build a digital supply chain, request a demo today.

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