
Op Ed: Real-Time Tracking Sheds New Light on Electronics Supply Chain

November 27, 2018

August 29, 2024


x min read

For many electronics manufacturers, in-transit damages and delays are an all-too-common reality. For one large global manufacturer, the issue was sufficiently damaging that it decided to invest in a digital visibility solution to shed some light on the dark corners of its supply chain.

In this recent op ed with Electronics Sourcing magazine, we discuss how a global electronics manufacturer uses Tive’s sensor-driven tracking solution to tackle in-transit damages and delivery delays in shipments around the world. 

Based in Europe, this manufacturer ships electronic products from a contract manufacturer in Asia to distribution hubs, and then on to end customers all around the world. The company relies on sea freight, rail and trucks, and its shipments often last weeks or even months as they make their way between this company's global facilities. In many cases, the manufacturer would discover too late that goods had been damaged in transit, resulting in unexpected delays and unhappy customers. To address these challenges, the company turned to Tive.

With Tive's sensor-driven supply chain visibility solution, the manufacturer is able to maintain real-time monitoring of their in-transit goods, enabling them to identify and eliminate problems throughout the supply chain. Shock sensors make it possible to get notified as soon as package is dropped or damaged, while non-stop location tracking provides a heads up if shipments are likely to arrive late (or early).

To learn more about how Tive is shedding light on the electronics supply chain, take a look at the full article from Electronics Sourcing here. And if you'd like to bring a new level of visibility to your company's supply chain, request a trial with Tive today.

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