How To Close 6 Visibility Gaps in Ocean Shipping

The global shipping industry is emerging from its most turbulent period in decades. Whether shipping products, parts, or raw materials, having goods successfully arrive overseas—on time—requires a lot of good fortune. Fortunately, things are starting to stabilize.

To continue reducing costs related to ocean-going shipments—and to close the visibility gaps associated with this mode of transport—many international logistics teams are using real-time trackers as a cost-effective way to avoid surprise container charges.

This free playbook from Tive and Supply Chain Dive examines how logistics teams can lose sight of ocean shipments—and how real-time tracking improves the situation, enabling logistics professionals to proactively handle disruptions.

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Key Findings:

  • Real-time tracking devices provide the highest level of visibility available for ocean-going shipments, providing real-time insight into container location and condition
  • These solutions can be easily configured to send alerts when a container is loaded onto an unintended vessel or left in port
  • Real-time solutions can also send an alert if a vessel arrives early, and shippers can see when a container moves from the ship to the yard—enabling them to avoid detention and demurrage fees
  • These solutions enable shippers to build nimble and predictive digital supply chain strategies that are better able to deal with disruptions
How To Close 6 Visibility Gaps in Ocean Shipping