How To Improve OTIF: 15 Tips for On Time and In Full Delivery

“On time, in full” (OTIF) might just be the four most important words associated with any supply chain. The timing and integrity of shipments are equally critical: damaged or compromised goods can cost millions of dollars in losses, and freight can be turned away due to tardiness OR for arriving too early. Either situation can lead to lost revenue, angry customers, fines, or even legal action. 

In this report, we take a closer look at OTIF and how to leverage track-and-trace and other technologies to improve it. We cover:

  • The origins of OTIF as a metric of successful operations
  • How next-generation visibility (such as real-time tracking and data collaboration) allow stakeholders to measure and improve OTIF
  • 15 tips for improving OTIF performance

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Key Findings:

  • On time and in full delivery is a crucial metric, perhaps the most crucial, for almost all facets of the supply chain
  • Professionals throughout the supply chain need to understand how to leverage track-and-trace and other technologies to improve OTIF rates
  • The capability to monitor location and condition in real-time is a must-have in order to identify potential risks to OTIF deliveries and put plans in motion before they occur
How To Improve OTIF: 15 Tips for On Time and In Full Delivery