Playbook: How to Reduce Product Loss and Achieve a More Sustainable Pharma Supply Chain

Playbook: How to Reduce Product Loss and Achieve a More Sustainable Pharma Supply Chain

Pharmaceutical brands are increasingly implementing more sustainable practices throughout their supply chains due to widespread recognition—across industries—that companies must do their part to reduce their carbon footprint. The healthcare segment in particular is responsible for 4.4% of global emissions; if not checked, those emissions will more than triple by 2050.

With transportation generating 17% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide (and 28% of total U.S. emissions), sustainability efforts in the pharma sector often focus on reducing emissions from transportation operations. However, the most common initiatives often overlook a prime opportunity to improve sustainability—addressing failures in temperature-controlled pharmaceutical logistics, responsible for $35 billion in product loss annually. 

This playbook discusses the impact of product loss and waste within pharmaceutical supply chains on the planet, as well as profits and patients’ livelihood. You’ll also learn how today’s pharmaceutical shippers can leverage real-time visibility technology to improve temperature-sensitive shipping operations to reduce emissions and ensure these valuable shipments arrive on time and in full.

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Key Findings:

  • Reducing product waste during the transport of pharnaceuticals is an often-overlooked sustainability opportunity
  • The loss or spoilage of a pharmaceutical shipment due to delays or cold chain failures can have a massive domino effect on GHG emissions, company profits, and patients’ health and wellbeing
  • Pharmaceutical shippers and logistics providers can use real-time shipment visibility technology to actively monitor the location and condition of products while in-transit, which reduces product waste—supporting both sustainability and profitability goals
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