
Opinion: The Benefits of a Data-Driven Supply Chain

January 15, 2019

August 29, 2024


x min read

For decades, manufacturers have used quantitative methods such as Statistical Process Control, Lean and Six Sigma to maximize the efficiency and reliability of their production processes. But when it comes to complex, global supply chains, these same tools have been limited in effectiveness due to a lack of necessary data.

But today, access to new IoT-powered data sources is making it possible for supply chain professionals to adapt many of these same data-driven methodologies to improve supply chains. In this recent op ed with Transport Topics, we discuss how integration with IoT (Internet of Things) tools is enabling a new level of visibility for the modern shipper. Specifically, with access to real-time location and condition data, manufacturers are able to predict and avoid in-transit issues, identifying potential damages or delays and reacting before it's too late.

In this article, we discuss some of the main benefits of applying these quantitative methodologies to the supply chain. From improved inventory management to reductions in in-transit damages and delays, IoT tracking technology as well as data-driven analysis have become must-haves to maintain efficient, effective supply chain operations.

To learn more, take a look at the full article in Transport Topics. And if you'd like to learn more about how Tive can bring a new level of data-driven optimization to your supply chain, request a trial today.

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