
Food Logistics: Track and Trace in the Food Supply Chain

March 27, 2019

October 15, 2024


x min read

As in-transit visibility gets better, faster, and cheaper, one of the industries benefiting the most from new track and trace technologies is the food supply chain. In this recent Food Logistics article, President of Transworld Data Mary Shacklett sheds light on the current state of food tracking solutions through interviews with a variety of vendors.

Specifically, Shacklett interviews Tive CEO Krenar Komoni to provide insight into the role of real-time multi-sensor tracking in the modern food and beverage industry. "Food safety and loss are key elements that benefit from track and trace technology," says Komoni. "Vendors can also help by providing ease of use for their platforms, help to companies as companies modify business processes, and the creation of business value and ROI for technology investments."

Tive works with a variety of companies in the food industry to ensure their sensitive products avoid harmful temperature and humidity excursions, as well as costly shipping delays. For example, coffee companies such as Interamerican Coffee use Tive's solution to maintain constant visibility into the humidity of their quality coffee shipments. With multi-sensor trackers attached to each box, pallet, or jute bag, it becomes possible to maintain real-time visibility into the exact location and condition of the shipment. This access to data helps supply chain teams identify issues, and potentially solve them before it's too late. For example, when a broken air conditioning system threatened a temperature-sensitive shipment, a real-time alert from Tive helped the company to fix the issue before the product was destroyed.

In the Food Logistics article, Komoni discusses the importance of this real-time sensor data for the modern food and beverage supply chain. "One in 10 persons in the U.S. will experience an episode of food illness this year," he explains. As a result, "traceability and tracking from the producer to the consumer is a vital safety component." When it comes to the food industry, optimizing the supply chain isn't just about saving money -- it's about saving lives.

To learn more about how companies like Tive are bringing new levels of track and trace visibility to the food supply chain, read the full article from Food Logistics. And for more information on how Tive can help your company integrate track and trace into your supply chain, request a trial with Tive today.


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