
Tive Webinar: The State of Logistics & Transportation Visibility in 2023

April 21, 2023

October 15, 2024


x min read

Supply chain visibility, particularly in logistics and transportation, remains among the industry’s hottest topics, and it’s easy to understand why. Industry leaders face pressure from shippers and retailers alike to improve transparency and traceability in an effort to help ensure resilience, meet sustainability goals, and provide superior customer service.

Such lofty goals undoubtedly spark daily discussions in conference rooms worldwide, but consider this: While 77% of supply chain decision-makers state that real-time visibility is a must-have, only 25% actually use it. That massive gap between the demand for real-time shipment visibility and technology adoption by supply chain leaders is one of the nuggets revealed in Tive’s latest survey report: “The State of Visibility 2023.” The survey examined the current state of supply chain visibility with the goal of helping decision-makers assess the current market—and identify the technologies needed to meet their visibility requirements. 

Join us for an interactive webinar at 11:00 am EDT on Thursday, April 27, during which moderator Eric Johnson of The JOC and a panel of three industry experts will share their insights on the survey’s findings.


The State of Visibility 2023: Survey Highlights

Tive, the global leader in real-time supply chain visibility solutions, conducted the survey in March 2023 in conjunction with Shipping and Freight Resource, Supply Chain Radar, and Charlie Pesti, a premier full-service PR and marketing agency for the logistics and supply chain industry. Of the more than 260 supply chain professionals who responded, 80% are directly involved with supply chain operations—including 51% who rely on logistics visibility and/or transportation visibility. Among the survey’s key findings: 

  • 75% said they needed to adopt the right technologies or visibility solutions
  • 77% consider real-time visibility and IoT-based solutions a must-have feature
  • 87% said they lack visibility while goods are in transit
  • 46% consider Visibility as a Service mandatory for customers

Real-Time Visibility & Industry Usage

Most of the supply chain professionals who responded to the survey indicated they understand the importance of a visibility solution—yet 75% of them are missing out on the value of real-time tracking of packages and deliveries. Logistics and transportation visibility—in real-time—enables companies to bolster resilience and agility in their supply chain. Real-time tracking would help them anticipate issues before they arise, positioning logistics and transportation professionals to proactively manage by exception when problems occur. Creating a supply chain that, by design, is as agile and adaptable as possible helps companies boost their reliability and—by extension—improve customer satisfaction.

Shippers and logistics service providers who don’t use a real-time visibility solution to track a shipment’s location and condition instead rely on websites, emails, phone calls, and other assorted legacy software to track the status of goods. To curb this colossal waste of time and resources, 51% of survey respondents said they plan to increase investment in real-time logistics and transportation visibility in 2023. 

Challenges in Achieving Logistics & Transportation Visibility

Data sharing and collaboration have long been a challenge in supply chain operations. Survey respondents shared some concerns regarding data sharing—mainly privacy issues, cybersecurity threats, potential liability, and loss of competitive advantage. Another common challenge is the lack of transportation visibility while goods are on the move, especially during road transport. Factors contributing to the lack of logistics visibility include inadequate infrastructure, network coverage gaps, and incompatible systems.

Importance of Real-time Alerts & Notifications

The survey also touched on the role of alerts in preventing cargo damage, theft, and shipment delays; many respondents emphasized the need for immediate alerts during transit to enable better decision-making and quick corrective actions. For example, shippers and LSPs who receive immediate alerts when deviations occur can take immediate corrective action, such as contacting the driver to check the cargo and cooling systems for problems.

Selecting the Right Real-time Visibility Solution

Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on what to look for in logistics or transportation visibility solutions, but survey respondents indicated what they believe are the most important factors to consider: cost, efficiency, ease of use, and consistency of performance. Furthermore, survey results underscore the need for functionality, timely alerts, and reporting efficiency in real-time visibility solutions.

Current Visibility Solutions, Sustainability & Future Outlook

The State of Visibility 2023 survey also sheds light on the role of stakeholder engagement and system integration in successfully implementing a real-time visibility solution. Respondents also expressed the need for a broader range of visibility products and increased coverage—which would help bolster the connection between visibility and sustainability goals in supply chain operations.

Take a Deeper Dive into The State of Visibility: Register for the Free Webinar Today

Tive believes that just as a rising tide lifts all ships, greater logistics visibility and transportation visibility—delivered in real time—is essential to creating resilient and agile supply chains worldwide.  The State of Visibility 2023 survey and report confirm that industry professionals agree.

In addition to providing the survey results report to all industry experts, Tive is hosting a free roundtable webinar to further explore the results of the survey—and to gain insights from a panel of distinguished supply chain experts:

  • Eric Johnson, Senior Technology Editor at the Journal of Commerce (Moderator)
  • Hariesh Manaadiar, Founder of Shipping and Freight Resource
  • Richie Daigle, Enterprise Account Executive at Tive
  • Adam Robinson, CEO & Founder of The Robinson Agency

This event is scheduled for 11:00 am EDT, and will be available for on-demand access after the fact.


We also invite you to download the State of Visibility 2023 report beforehand, so you are prepared to engage the panelists during this interactive webinar.

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