Vector Global Logistics: Inspiring Client Confidence & Opening New Markets

July 2, 2024


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Founded in 2013, Vector Global Logistics provides world-class logistics services that help make their clients more successful—improving the lives of their clients and strengthening the supply chain. Vector wanted a way to add value for their customers while differentiating themselves from the competition.

Enter Tive. Vector began using Tive’s real-time, end-to-end shipment visibility platform and trackers in 2022, after their Co-Founder & Managing Director Enrique Alvarez interviewed Tive’s Mexico & LatAm Sales Manager, Jose Suarez, on his logistics podcast, "Supply Chain Now en Español."

The two hit it off immediately, and Vector began exploring different shipment visibility solutions their clients could use to track their shipments.

“In an ever-changing world like ours, AI and technology are key to running an efficient supply chain. Vector partnered with Tive to offer our clients real-time information to maximize their network, reduce costs, and more importantly, streamline those decision-making processes.”

Enrique Alvarez

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Tive: A Best-of-Breed Solution

Vector researched several alternatives before choosing Tive—though the best choice became clear early on. According to Trinity Walker, Project Manager at Vector, “Tive was the only complete package when it came to location, temperature, and condition sensors—as well as the wide variety of functionality Tive offers.”

While recognizing that the supply chain industry isn’t usually quick to adopt new technologies, Vector Chief Marketing Officer Kristi Porter noted: “One thing everybody noticed during the pandemic is what a fragile, people-driven system this is. So many aspects are not yet automated or technology driven—and Tive is really helping this industry shift to be more tech forward.”

Vector started offering Tive’s Solo 5G Non-Lithium trackers to their clients, phasing them in through multiple-tiered tests over the course of a year—which helped Vector gain a complete understanding of Tive and all the potential use cases.

A Focused Pilot Program Led the Way

Because they are a global service provider, Vector initially tested Tive across several different geographic locations, targeting clients with high-value shipments—cargo requiring strict temperature control or in high-risk security zones. They also focused on customers with shipments that needed to pass through customs. Says Walker, “Narrowing our initial sales focus gave us a big picture on who to sell Tive to—and where the best use case was for the solution.”

Walker continued, “For example, we took our time testing Tive with customers in Asia to ensure Tive worked perfectly throughout the entire customs process.” Vector then confidently demonstrated to hesitant clients that Tive works seamlessly. “Tive won’t derail your whole shipment; Tive removes risk as opposed to introducing it,” said Porter.

Enticing Offer: The First Tracker is Free

To get clients interested in using Tive, Vector undertook a clever strategy.

We initially let clients use Tive on a shipment free of charge—which enabled them to see the value and make them want to use Tive on future shipments.

Trinity Walker

Project Manager

The free tracker offer helps Vector showcase the power of Tive. “And then you’ll want to add it to all your shipments,” says Porter. “We are a tremendously value-driven company, so for us Tive is a tool that helps our clients understand that we are acting in their best interests—that we treat their business like our own, and that we care about their success.”

Improved Visibility = Competitive Advantage

Some of Vector’s clients were starting to hear about other logistics companies implementing visibility solutions, and Vector wanted to control the narrative—to differentiate themselves from their competition. Tive helped make that easy. “Once our competition started using tech to solve their visibility problems, it became easier and easier to convince our customers that Tive would provide them with huge benefits,” said Porter.

”Tive helps open clients' doors because the cloud platform is so flexible, and they are constantly adding new features,” said Walker. Tive updates and improves the platform by regularly adding new features and functionality, another selling point for Vector. “It really shows how innovative they are. As a Tive client, it demonstrates that you’re on top of things—and that you’re trying to generate value for your clients,” continued Walker.

Inspiring Client Confidence & Opening New Markets

Because Tive shows the exact location and condition of global shipments, clients gain tremendous peace of mind—especially for those transporting valuable cargo. This need was spotlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, when goods took an extremely long time to ship and arrive. “At times, it felt like a ‘wing and a prayer’ type situation,” said Walker.

Vector views Tive as a differentiator because the solution reinforces the value Vector brings to all its clients. Says Porter, “We’re interested in giving you the best possible tools because we want to see you succeed—and we believe in your business.”

“People love that they can go into the Tive platform and see their shipments in real time,” said Walker. “Using Tive has definitely been a key way to differentiate ourselves from the competition—and it carves out a niche for ourselves as innovators within the space.”

Alvarez concludes, “We pride ourselves on having a unique results-based company, which means we do what we need to do to get the job done for clients. In this instance, Vector relies on Tive’s technology to provide our clients with real-time information in their supply chains so that they can operate efficiently and surpass their goals.”

Shipment Visibility—For When Lives Depend On It

Vector has a nonprofit client, Vivoblu, who uses Tive on all their shipments—and the CEO’s excitement about Tive took Vector by surprise. Vivoblu creates water filters that are primarily used in humanitarian aid in developing countries.

Porter noted, “Nonprofits are known to be very price conscious. So to hear the CEO raving about Tive was amazing, and this company doesn’t even ship full containers like most of our clients—they ship single pallets. So while we wouldn’t have necessarily considered a small nonprofit to be a target user of Tive, the CEO is a huge champion. He sees Tive as tying directly into his global humanitarian mission.”

Because the filters produced by this nonprofit save lives, they need to be able to track these water filters within extremely remote places. Tive enables Vivoblu to know exactly where their shipments are, and ensures that they will show up on time—because people’s lives literally depend on these products.